Yeah but way more zombies screeching wear a mask yay! Get those masks ready guys! Yay! My mind is pure slush, yay!
Ran into a couple people lately been on vacation in Florida, where they would never even know there is anything to worry about. They come back to the Left Coast, where the "traffic advisory" on I90 reads, "VACCINATED OR NOT PLEASE MASK UP!" I kid you not.
So you are vaccinated, you cannot get it, cannot spread it, but wear a mask anyway. While these same people lecture about following "the science".
Largest mass delusion since, I don't know when. Maybe ever.
Yay! Right? Get your mass delusion ready guys! Yay!!!
Ran into a couple people lately been on vacation in Florida, where they would never even know there is anything to worry about. They come back to the Left Coast, where the "traffic advisory" on I90 reads, "VACCINATED OR NOT PLEASE MASK UP!" I kid you not.
So you are vaccinated, you cannot get it, cannot spread it, but wear a mask anyway. While these same people lecture about following "the science".
Largest mass delusion since, I don't know when. Maybe ever.
Yay! Right? Get your mass delusion ready guys! Yay!!!