Copland DRC205 digital room correction

Hi, has anybody known or used this new "equalizer"?
It seems a really good product, useful and extremely simple to understand, designed build around a Lyngdorf/Dynaton logic process.I've not found many informations about it, could you tell me how does it work really? Is 205 at the level of TACT or is it sloser to a Behringer DEQ2496???
I would like to try it in my listening room (a square plant room...) but in Italy it is very difficult to find and testing.
Thanks in advance for your support, sorry for my english but I've studied another language at school (and now I have to pay private lessons :-((( , I prefer buying CDs)

I read this in the TAS review under technical : Stereo RCA input, 1 V nom. Stereo RCA output, 1 V nom. "

If its to go between pre/power amp it needs to be better than that. Anyone have more detailed specs including input and output impedance. I would need to put it between CDP and passive linestage as I passivly bi-amp from the output of the passive linestage.

This is one of the reasons Copland does not want the unit connected between the amplifier and preamplifier. It is equivalent to a line level device (such as a CD player) and does not have the voltage swing of an active preamplifier.

The input/output voltage of 1 volt nominal indicates unity gain. Input/output impedance is not given, although it would not be difficult to determine. Typical values are 47 K ohm or more at the input and 1 K ohm or less at the output. My manual states maximum output as being 2.4 volts.

Unless your passive preamplifier uses an autoformer, it does not have voltage gain, meaning that whatever voltage is produced by your line source must be sufficient to drive the power amplifier. Typical line level sources, such as CD players, have outputs that fall between 1 and 2 volts.

Is it possible that your power amplifier is unusually sensitive? If so, you might be able to insert the DRC between your passive preamplifier and amplifier (assuming suitable impedances). Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply. I can't put it between the passive and amp because I also passivly bi-amp(using the bi-wireable speakers x-ver) and have two amps. I could put it between CDP(my only source these days) and passive. My CDP has a 2.4V output at 50 ohms and my amps are both 100K input impedance and need 1.5 volts for full output. I'd have top find a dealer with in home demo or a good return policy.

I just ordered one today from my local dealer. The owner of the store claimed it worked great and he purchased one for himself. His shop specializes in tubed gear and he stated the DRC205 was very transparent and once accustomed to having it in the system you would not want to go without. I also noted on the divertech website the price has already increased to 2995.00. I'll report my impressions when I receive the unit.
A question for you guys that already have one, since the filter is set from just one microphone position, has it improved or degraded sound from other listening spots? I have my prime spot and two other chairs/sofa that I sometimes use. The useful listening areas all suffer from a 63hz suckout so I'm hoping the correction I apply from my prime spot will improve the sound overall. Have you found that to be the case?

Is the maximum boost you can apply to any one band limited to 6db or is that just the recommended amount to not exceed?

Has anyone run the setup twice to see if the filter setting is repeatable or maybe slightly different?