I guess I would contact Pro-Ject, explain your issue. Perhaps they have a heavier weight they could send. But, as I, (and at least another have said), I’m in the camp that your anti-skate should never match your cart tracking force. Again, this on the recommendation of how Peter Lederman suggests adjusting it. And every cart I use that method, my anti-skate is a fraction of my tracking force.
But to your original query , yes, at times I’ve had my cart move towards the spindle when using the lever to lower the cart (I assume from anti-skate effect), and I’ve simply made adjustments on the position before lowering......or more-so now days, mostly lower it manually (with my hand vs the lever). That said, I’m a believer in how Peter suggests setting anti-skate, and my feeling is that would be hard to accomplish with the notch/string/weight method. Mine is a dial, and I can adjust by very small adjustments through a large range, not just three options.
I guess I would contact Pro-Ject, explain your issue. Perhaps they have a heavier weight they could send. But, as I, (and at least another have said), I’m in the camp that your anti-skate should never match your cart tracking force. Again, this on the recommendation of how Peter Lederman suggests adjusting it. And every cart I use that method, my anti-skate is a fraction of my tracking force.
But to your original query , yes, at times I’ve had my cart move towards the spindle when using the lever to lower the cart (I assume from anti-skate effect), and I’ve simply made adjustments on the position before lowering......or more-so now days, mostly lower it manually (with my hand vs the lever). That said, I’m a believer in how Peter suggests setting anti-skate, and my feeling is that would be hard to accomplish with the notch/string/weight method. Mine is a dial, and I can adjust by very small adjustments through a large range, not just three options.