Are there passive attenuators that don't zero volume and only offer one input ?

I am not sure how many people would like those features, but its worth asking in case someone would try to sell such a thing.

Which is to say it is essential I should think  to be able to zero volume, and have more than one input, do you agree ? 

He a shyster ieales, and known all over other forums
All you have to do is see how he disowned his own name and product, in the proof I posted up.

This was the best one he tried to sell on ebay and diyaudio he called a "Pass Transistor opamps" see the little smd transistor squashed under the opamp with the "snake oil" he tried on

Cheers George
Why an A/C supply when a DC wallwart would keep all hum outtadabox?
Because you then avoid the cheap rectification components inside wall warts, all avoided by using a AC 12v supply.  Rectification can then be achieved with thyristors, and jfets

See ieales BS baffles the gullible, that’s his game.

Cheers George

Rectification can then be achieved with thyristors, and jfets

Thyristor is a gated diode. What earthly advantage is there over a 1N400x diode?

High quality DC supplies are 10 a penny today.
High quality DC supplies are 10 a penny today.

 Look inside the plugpack  , it explains why they are 10 a penny.

"A thyristor is a semiconductor device which can be used to switch current on and off. When used in rectifier circuits, thyristors allow current to be controlled more accurately than diodes, which can only be ON or OFF. A thyristor can be triggered to allow current to pass in a graduated manner, by firing (switching on the thyristor) at a precise time, therefore controlling the conduction angle."