Are there passive attenuators that don't zero volume and only offer one input ?

I am not sure how many people would like those features, but its worth asking in case someone would try to sell such a thing.

Which is to say it is essential I should think  to be able to zero volume, and have more than one input, do you agree ? 
High quality DC supplies are 10 a penny today.

 Look inside the plugpack  , it explains why they are 10 a penny.

"A thyristor is a semiconductor device which can be used to switch current on and off. When used in rectifier circuits, thyristors allow current to be controlled more accurately than diodes, which can only be ON or OFF. A thyristor can be triggered to allow current to pass in a graduated manner, by firing (switching on the thyristor) at a precise time, therefore controlling the conduction angle."

@dbxrecord OP

Please deny again for the record

1: That you are Chris Daly
2: Have any associations with
a: Stereo Coffee
b: Java Preamps
c: Opamp Pass transistors
3: That this you
What about using those keyboard fingers instead, to design your product so that it can have more than one input, and can have silence at zero volume, ... a far better use of your time I should think.
I am happy to ignore that reason, as  it has absolutely no relevance at all, relating to what customers want from passive attenuators.

We each know LDR passives offer so much better audio than other attenuation methods, and the task ahead is to make LDR passives the number one choice, as nothing else, can do what they do. 

The good news is each issue, namely more inputs and silence  are relatively easy to do.   I am very sure your customers will welcome those new features, and thank you,  for caring about their needs.,

on a wider perspective ... it will see see all other passives, .. eating dust.