ISO Pucks with Harbeth and Sklyan Stands

I have Harbeth SLH5 Plus Anniversary speakers with Skylan 4
post stands. Currently using the Q-Bricks that came with the stands.
Wondering if anyone has tried ISO Pucks between the SLH5
(or any Harbeth speaker) and Skylan stands. What differences in
sound, if any, did you notice.
I recently ordered Noel’s new double base Skylan stands configured for Harbeth Monitor 30s after noticing these stands at Everest Audio’s website for a different model speaker. While I bought the stands directly from Noel, I did order a couple of sets of Soundcare SuperSpikes from the nice folks at Everest. These footers are made by a firm in Norway and do provide a good interface with floors, and they are reasonably priced.. I have yet to try my Ingress Engineering speaker footers between speakers and top platform of the Skylans, relying for now on the Q-bricks instead, partly due to height concerns. The double base Skylans are heavy, with damping material between the layers. I’m happy with this choice.
ericsch OP461 posts01-12-2021 4:12am@twoleftears
Yes, I know what you mean. I haven't been on HUG in
quite a long time. I will take a look there. Thanks.

Save it. Harbeth regards all these stuff as snake oil.

Put those stands up for sale and stop throwing your money at them. Your speakers need a stand with an open bottom.

This, I would agree.