ZEN cartridge ?

I have a "ZEN" (that''s the name in the front with gold letters) cartridge and can't find any information about it. In the back has a numbe rthat looks like is the serial: EQ41 or E041 in white letters that seems to be writen aat hand. Has black body, gold stylus cover and is gold and varnished wood top. Would like to find some info about it.... can you help me?
thanks in advance
@best-groove, I agree with you that the Sato Musen Zen Diamond is an absolutely wonderful cartridge. To my ears sonically competitive with current top mc cartridges.

For the record it needs to be said that the diamond cantilever is NOT like the Sony XL-88D. This cartridge utilized a one piece diamond cantilever/stylus assembly, which to my knowledge is unique and exclusive to Sony.

The diamond cantilever of the Sato Musen looks very similar to the one used on Dynavector’s Karat Nova 13D. The way the stylus is attached to the cantilever seems to indicate they were both sourced from Namiki.

@edgewear yes you are right, I meant to indicate that it has the cantilever in diamonds to distinguish it from cantilever in aluminum or beryllium or other materials, The Sony 88D belongs to this category like the old Dyna 17D.
The stylus is embedded it is not a single stylus / cantilever body like the 88D
And the whole cartridge body looks like Nakamichi cartridge body.