TIME waits for no one; i wonder when they are going to give demos on these speakers? i've only heard the X2.1's and they were quite overwhelming- i couldn't stop thinking about them for several days afterwards. the 2.2's are supposed to sound like the best concert hall in the world. so the 2.3's will have
to sound even better than that... although, after hearing the WAMM's many years ago i was
still the MOST impressed with their ability to dissect EVERY instrument out of the mix, plus they had two separate (18") woofer cabinets. if wilson hasn't tried to crossover the alexandrias to their present subs i wonder why not? other than space being an issue (in a room designed for $160,000 speakers?) that might work really well also....
Hi Johnny,

thanks for that...good to know. I am almost more interested in hearing the Momentums as opposed to the XLFs. I too have heard the X2s...both the original and the Series 2. I run my X1s with Gryphon Colosseum, so i am intrigued by the D'Agostinos.
So i was (very kindly) invited to the introduction of the new XLF...superb room...D'Agostino Momentum monos...Kalista Ref CD player, ARC Ref 5SE preamp...Transp Opus MM2 Cabling throughout. On the face of it...a superb system and one to be reckoned with. Here's my view of the experience:

- Supreme 'density of signal'...greater by a 'meaningful margin' than Audio Exotics room in Hong Kong (Tidal Sunrays with 2 Tidal tower subs, 3 sets of Tidal Impact monos, Tidal Presencio, Stahl-Tek Vekian, Argento Master Ref cabling, Tripoint grounding/AC).
- This is where i think newer electronics have come a long way (and good speakers thought not necessarily 'the newest ones'...older SOTA is still amazing)...in being able to take the signal and through substantially lower noise floors, more exacting detail retreival...really are able to deliver a very strong, focused, concrete music signal. Older electronics...mainly digital...tend to deliver a 'weaker music signal'...almost like a flashlight where the batteries are getting low.
- On this system...it was like brand new lightbulb and batteries and flashlight. Very impressive.

- Better bass than i recall with X2 Series 2...but that's not a definitive statement because too many variables. What I CAN say for sure, is that this XLF will NOT replace any well setup X2 Series with a good sub. That is not close.

sound on tracks i know extremely well was 'a bit shouty'...which surprised me. I am going to give the system the benefit of the doubt and say there were probably more than a few new components...most likely the Ref 5 SE, as well as of course the speakers, and possibly the Momentums and speaker cables.
- By 'shouty' i mean that even on Amos Lee...on whom Norah Jones does background vocals so you get the idea...his voice felt a little like he was singing/shouting. And that was not the only track where i felt this touch of slightly raw overpowering force.
- Based on what i understand about the new tweeter, and what i already know about the X2, X2 Series 2 and likely the XLF mids, i might point at the Momentum monos which i have heard are 'slightly harder' than the stereo version. I am familiar with the Kalista, Ref 5 (non SE), Transp cables and the X-1, X2 series, so that is my guess.

i appreciate the opportunity to hear it, having heard the Audio Exotics Room last year with similar/same music. Feel free to ask/PM for any other observations.
When I heard the XLFs and Momentums, it was in the same room and the speakers were positioned in nearly the same place. David Wilson himself was on hand for that The only other variable was that the earlier Alexandria X-2 demo was powered by an all top line VTL signal chain. The XLF demo was D'Agostino Momentums plugged directly into a Meridian Sooloos.

I didn't detect any "shoutiness," but I also believe that this audio shop is one of the very best at speaker positioning and system setup. I don't have your international broad frame of reference, but to these ears, the D'Agostinos are the closest thing to perfect amplification that I've heard.
Hi Johnny,

I do want to go back and listen when the system has been operating for a little while longer...i wanted to share initial observations...very exciting...who knows? it could be the Momentums need more time.

INterestingly, i got a PM last nite from someone who made the same observation about 'shoutiness'...with the exact same electronics, but with another SOTA speaker.

In any event, i will go back undoubtedly to listen again with a few more tracks.
What was the cabling used in the XLF demo you heard? I heard 'em with Transparent Opus.