REL subwoofer crossover question

Hope someone can help me out with this.....I am somewhat familiar with how the crossover settings work on REL subs (2 Brittania B2) but don't know if they differ from other manufacturers such as Velodyne. My question is should I be hearing bass frequencies in the 60-80 hz range when I have the crossover setting at the A 1 position (which according to the manual rolls of at 22 HZ? I'm not too familiar with how the crossover rolls off, but I'm surprised that I can't get any rolloff below 80HZ. Is this room nodes/issues or what? I have played a little with placement and all but haven't gone crazy with them. I am using a single RCA for the left one out of my preamp and vice versa. (I haven't tried the neutrik connections yet, have to purchase if the are truly better). Any thoughts? Thanks.
No, Zephyr, it's running out of a preamp output (this is a 2 channel rig, no surround). When I had a Velodyne DD sub in the system, of course I would use the internal crossover etc etc and I had it crossed over pretty low, probably around 40 Hz or so (I've got Avalon Eidolon Visions, no monitors) so they didn't overlap with the lower bass of the Eidolons. I was just surprised that on the absolute lowest setting on the REL crossover, I was still getting quite a lot of sound at the higher frequencies. I'm not a REL expert by any means, and I know that their crossovers/integration is different, thus my original question. I did have a old REL storm in my old home....I tried the neutrik connection and the low level connection and compared. I'm sure the REL engineers are smarter than I am, but man I sure did get quite a lot cleaner bass out of the low level connections than using their preferred way.
I have owned several REL subwoofers and still own a pair of REL Storm III's for my 2-ch setup. There is no situation (IMO) where you would have the setting at "A" "1" for hi-pass, ever. I think mine are set to "B" "4" or so in a 16' x 20' room with 10' ceilings.
Hi Audiofreak.....mine are running low pass RCAs....a single for the left and single for the right sub.....I don't have the Neutrik connectors yet but I wanted to get them up and running.
I believe that the REL subwoofer has one input for low pass RCA input and another identical looking input for LFE input that is crossed over at 80 Hz. If I remember correctly I had to take my left and right channel subwoofer output and use a Y connector and plug the Y connector into the single low pass input. It was an older REL subwoofer, but that may be the reason why you are getting 80 Hz output even though you have the crossover set at the A1 position. Take a look at the back of the subwoofer and see if you may have one your cables connected to the LFE input. Hope that this helps.