Suggestion for Audiogon Forums

I think it’s time to divide the forums into three categories, Questions, Opinions and Throwdowns.
To’s in the opinion category, which reminds me to add a special narcissist category for needy types like you😉
Eliminate the politics entirely

Agreed, let's keep "The Gon" focused on audio.
Country of Origin; Country of Manufacturer; Country of Branding are inherent qualities of our equipment that we cannot control, and not worth our time in trade war debates -- There are a plethora of other "Gon" platforms for that.
How about a category called "Meaningless Drivel" that would include any gushing reviews that do not compare to other gear. Would save a lot of time. 

reviews that do not compare to other gear.

this audio hobby is all about X vs Y,  how else will we know the <<real deal>>> vs the <<<snakeoil/scam>>>
I acn assure you FR vs box/xover, = no brainer  how the shootout will go down.  

How about a topic called
~~ ~~Who can make the best, truly fantastic discovery in the audio jungle/hyped/snakeoil forest.
I just won, I found Eureka, Audio Nirvana.
I am the 1st to post that discovery, and no others.
You guys are asleep at the wheel.

i have a penchant for seeking and searching til I find what i am looking for.
I may go down all sorts of dead ends, but i just keep looking.