All the Emmlabs dcc2/cdsd hoopla..

Is this real? I mean they cost big bucks but is the sound that great? what does the combo do to the Redbook CD sound?
How does it compare to equal cost analouge front end?
No intention to badmounth Emmlabs, but is the combo that good??
I have heard just the EMM DCC2 dac section fed from a good cd player against VPI HRX turntable. It was THAT good.
Nil how've you been? Seems like your back on the roller coaster for another round, I knew you'd come back to the dark side :) Drop me a line when you get a chance, it would be great to catch up with you.

As a previous owner of a DCC2/CDSD it is as good as people make it to be, with the prices they are going for used right now it is a steal!
Hi Tim, I have seeing your posts too when I got active again. How you been?

Lately I have gotten in to analogue and about spend big bucks on the analouge front end and wanted to make sure my digital front end does not left behind or may be upgrade the digital front end first. What with 1000s of CD and barely begun LP collection.

IMHO it trounced my already well regarded ML 360s-37 combo. I have not heard better digital.