Looking for recommendations for a pair of full range speakers for ~8k or under

What would your recommendation be? These are some of the speakers I have tested and liked:

1. B&W 702–S2 (new) - incredible for only 5k and I love the bass output with 3 drivers but the vocals can be a little harsh on some recordings. Maybe a good warm amplifier can help with this? I am also interested in the 702 Signature version going for 6.5k but not sure how it differs.

2. B&W 804 d3 (used) - Maybe my favorite of everything I’ve heard so far, better that the 702 in almost every way and not as harsh but I miss the extra output from the 702’s 3 bass drivers. I’m just not sure if it’s worth an extra 2-3k plus being used. I love that it goes lower though. Was seeing it used for ~7k online

3. Sonus Faber Sonetto 8 (new) - good bass and musical but Lacks some of the definition of the B&W - 7k

4. Sonus Faber Olympica 2 (used) - I loved this, much better than the sonetto in every way goes lower but lacks some in the bass output vs the sonetto. Was offered a trade-in in my local store for 6.5k

5. Sonus Faber Olympica 3 (used) - I haven’t heard this but I imagine It would be a perfect match for me with the extra bass driver and I’m seeing some used for under 8k online. 

I feel like my comparisons weren’t too good with very different rooms in different stores and amps so I am wondering what you guys would recommend of these options or if you have other recommendations either used or new under 8k. I can’t go too crazy though since I can’t spend too much on an integrated amplifier (~2-4k). Any Focal or other brands I should listen too also? I will also be using them for 2 channel home theater as well as music. I will likely be getting an integrated amplifier that complements the speakers I choose. I listen to a wide variety of music types and my room is about 14 x 22 with high vaulted ceilings. I appreciate any advice since I am new to high end speakers coming from a not so great soundbar. 
Tektons are fantastic speakers. Those who haven’t heard them in a good room with even a decent front end have no idea what they’re spewing. 
You might want to try the monitor audio gold 300 Gen 5 extremely beautiful sunny speakers specially with that multi-pleated diaphragm tweeter.
IT really depends on how you listen to your Music and know why you "fell in love" with this hobby. If you know this, everything else dosent matter and you can better choose the speakers that is to your taste. 
I do not need headbanger high bass and the room shaking. I like a big soundstage, the corect timber of the guitar, Piano etc. and air around each artist ind the soundstage with realism. I like the sound to be presentated coherent from top to buttom. 
If you like this without too much bass, then i Would choose the newest Quad 2812 (over the 2912, it sounds Best when integrated correct) If you need more bass then ad subwoofer. 
A's another one wrote, the magnepan and subwoofer is Best bang for the buck and you maybe would be satisfied with that option too. 

I also agree with mijostyn, there are so many better quality speakers out there for the same or even less money. If you have a McIntosh amp, I wouldn’t buy a warm sounding speaker like Sonus Faber unless I listened to them with your amp 1st. McIntosh would be a better fit with a neutral sounding speaker or the Foward sounding B&W’s. Your amp is on the low side for power so magnapan speakers wouldn’t be a good fit, nor would Totem speakers. For your size room, I would pair your amp with a very good stand mounted speaker that’s at least 87db or higher efficiency rating with 2 Rel subs. If you upgrade your amp to the larger mc352 or similar for example, then you open up your choices for bigger floor standing speakers.
Dali put a lot of effort and technology into their design. Rubicon 8 would be right in your budget.....outstanding speakers and definitely worth the try.