Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
Allow me to add my good thoughts and wishes for speedy recovery for Peter L as well. His excellence and dedication to his craft at Soundsmith over the many years makes him a real treasure.  We are all nothing without our good health.
Best place to be is HOME... Thank God.. Besides I bought a CART.. Now send it.. LOL
Get better.. Eat your veggies... CLOT are no fun..

Last year May 19, 2020 0550 hours I wake up my stomach is on FIRE.. Never felt anything like it..

911.. BAMB..

LOL I get hauled off to the hospital in and ambulance, I wind up at the ER, they tell me I’m having a heart attack. They inject me with dye. The WHOLE time my stomach feels like someone is pouring boiling oil down my throat. They see an obstruction (occlusion I think is what the called it), I HAVE A CLOT. The can’t do the work because the doctor is BOOKED straight through until the next morning. ALL night I go through episode after episode.
3 wonderful nurses stayed with me ALL NIGHT.. ALL NIGHT.. Sent straight from GOD...

I look like something out of Hell Raiser.. All the pins stickin out.. Heparin drip..

Huge bruise on the inside of my thigh.. Fence post whacked me two days before.. Where the clot came from.

The next day the stent was installed.

10 week go by 16 heart attacks later, a second stent is installed..

OOPS missed one.. YUP.. Ask MC I was scared to death. I was dying.
He propped my "feeling sorry for my stupid self up" and said.. "Your gonna be all right, your gonna be fine"..

Well, I was, and the moral of the story is.. 51 hours from the time I left my house to the time I got home.. 81,000.00 US dollars.. oh 20 dollar taxi fair to get back home.. I’m the only driver now..

1588.00 per hour.

A heavy duty master mechanic on his best day might make 1500.00 for 16-18 hours of nothing BUT blood and sand.

I’d have paid 5 time that for that 10 weeks of hell though.. OOPS missed one... That only cost another 15,000.00. Out patient.. 16 heart attacks.. LOL out patient.. Even the doctor gave me a high five.. Said I was tough... Like I had a choice...:-) Of course we didn’t know that until AFTER and a VERY close read of a week long EKG they had me on at home.. They sent the taxi for that one.. save the ambulance ride.. I kid you not.. 6K for an ambulance ride now..

I’m glad I have a sense of humor.. :-)
I have just enough energy to post. What hppaned tome is thsat I was infected  a second time with Covid, and not realizing it, went for my second Pfizer shot. 4 hours later, felt like I was hit by a truck.  Went 4 days at home, got a PCR test (positive) and next morning called an ambulance. My D-DImer blood test was 6000 instead of .5. Cat scan showed many large clots, and a "saddle PE" that was so large that the doc told me if I had waited, or if had been a bit larger, I would have died. It passed through my heart and hung up on the saddle feeding both lungs. Transferred to cardiac center at Westcheter Medical Center, where they debated whether to operate. Had been on blood thinners too long - so no surgery to remove clot. 6 days in hell there. Then home on thinners to care for myself (I live alone).

I am the world's worst cook. I pray before, during and after I eat.  Got my dog back, but he is sick from being in the shelter. He is on antibiotics now and getting a bit better. Feel worse for him.

Quarantined for a total of 4 weeks. Can go out starting Tuesday for doc appointments - many complications. Hard to breathe, Slowly getting better, but lots of after effects. What I had was a huge immune response to a second  Covid infection, and the shot COMBINED. I am also immune compromised due to medication. Folks should consider a PCR test 4 days BEFORE second shot to be safe. Soundsmith is partially open with many employees who were ill with Covid now able to return.

Thank you for all the well wishes. This has NOT been fun, or without stress wondering if I will wake up each day, But each day the risk of the large clot moving is lower. They told me 4-6 months to resolve clots to "whatever level possible".  - peter Ledermann