The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.

Ok, I bit...I am getting a full iconoclast loom sent to me for audition - will let everyone know my thoughts - good, bad or indifferent...supposed to arrive next week...will give it appropriate time to settle (maybe even break in? :)  - - sorry Doug, couldn't resist...btw, I tried, and own the amp that Doug really likes and I guess Doug has a review that is forthcoming...well before he reviewed it...I was surprised at how good it was...I thought I would NEVER own class D...and I am a tube guy...I am still going through counseling as a Be patient, I will give these a cables a serious go - 
Awesome! Finally someone in the real world actually getting these cable. I look forward to your impressions.

For some reason (not strange to me), people I know who value the benefits of cables never tried these. And the measurements crowd, typically 99% correlation with cable deniers, well... they never buy expensive cables no matter what... the measurements are.
Did you order the Iconoclast cables direct from the website?
I emailed / called Bob Howard from the website and discussed my needs with him and also called a couple of referrals of other users to get their impressions. 
English is not my native language and one in which I still struggle regularly and consistently so please kindly forgive this question but isn't referring to yourself or your efforts as "intellectual" actually an suggestion, indication, and reflection that you are probably not intellectual at all? 
This thread strikes me as the blind leading the blind. The article is meant to be impressive, but technically is super weak, but if it suits what you want to believe, it must be true.  Same people who going gaga for Galen, pun intended, also go gaga for Ted, who comparatively, probably barely knows what a cable is.  Can't have it both ways boys and girls.