Isolation for Granite Surface Plate

I see from other threads that using a granite slab as a surface plate for a turntable is problematic. I am currently using a .75 inch thick slab as the top of a Zoethecus rack.  It is isolated from the rack by 4 Hudson 1.25" diameter silicone 20 duro bumpers. Can I do better with a different isolation feet? My wife is very happy with the way this setup looks, so I'd like not to replace the top shelf with a different material if I can avoid it.
I bought a 3" thick granite surface plate years ago soley to set up my tt project.
This thing weighs 100lbs, had to be freight shipped.
You use HDF in leu of MDF. Night and day. High density Fiber and the quality of the fiber counts... There are all kinds of MDF, You’re actually better off using thinner pieces because of the hard face on the panels.

1.5 inches of 1/2" sheeting has 6 hard faces were 3/4 has only 4.
When you sandwich 3 vs 2.. :-) HDF.. Harder than OAK some of it.. and no sonic anomalies because of natural wood..

Spring and dampening are the way TT manufactures do it. It’s best to follow suit.. No need to reinvent the wheel, with spikes and all that BS.. They just don’t work..

Remember you’re not getting rid of vibrations from the table, your isolating the table from them. Why on earth would you use spikes.. LOL or anything BUT isolation.. Just the opposite effect when you think about it.. Spikes vs suspension. Kind of a no brainer if you think about it..

BTW, George has got an old proven way to add suspension to ANYTHING, not just a TT.. The ol tire innertube.. Does work great for subs too, I used them for years on 500 lb, bass bins.. ZERO rattle in my shop.. BUT for two block.. BIG BOOM BOOM.. 130 db plus.. Helped with the waves in the neighbors pool too..

Look at Symposium Ultra Stealth for best sound granite rings like a bell.Good luck though.