New Dynaudio Heritage Special..?..!

Does anyone know anything about these speakers?
just launched last week.
only 2500 made. $7000 or so in US.
Looks like an old Contour, but has all the components of the Confidence.
sounds like the ultimate monitor.

I have Special 40s and now am envious..😉

anyone hear anything?

@bgchui - pretty darn good with low listening levels!  The resolution they have is an asset here.  I generally listen at moderate volumes (I always find dealers do demos way too loud!); when I turn down from there to very soft the music I get still induces toe-tapping.  Lacks a little punch at very low levels, but that is true of speakers in general.  
Dynaudio's usually have to be played louder than your average speaker to get the most out of them. It's part of the brand's makeup...unless THESE are the exception to that trend. I got rid of my Contour 30's for that reason.....not good at low-mid listening levels. Have friends who said the same about the confidence line speakers they had. All agreed they sound wonderful at higher volumes.
Not my experience with these or the Excite line I own...probably also system dependent.  I think Dyns like current...
I'm loving the looks of these speakers.  But I'm wondering if I'm going to get any improvement in sound quality from my Thiel 2.4s.  Anyone have first hand experience with HS and Thiels?
Just received my pair of Heritage Specials yesterday. Currently hooked up to my Audio Note OTO Phono SE Signature (4 ohm taps). Initial impression is very good. Coming from fully updated Klipsch Chorus II's.

Not missing any dynamics at all. Bass is a touch less but better defined and more controlled. Treble extension is excellent. Midrange every bit as good as the CII's if not not smoother.