Anyone (everyone) care to throw a dart?

I understand my hearing at 69 isn't even close to what it was at 19. I'm sure your results may vary. However, anyone care to throw a dart at the price point where diminishing return kicks in? There must be one out there. Regards, AB
If pragmatism is your main concern and you can afford the expense, I think your concern is irrelevant and, ultimately, non sensical. It seems to me that as we age and our hearing gets worse, that this is precisely the time to compensate for our hearing’s diminished resolving ability by investing in equipment that is capable of MORE resolution and refinement. 50% of 100 is more than 50% of 80. No?
Thank you @kingbr, I was trying to inject a bit of levity into a discussion here, that's the reason I didn't specify an amp or speakers or cable. Thought maybe somebody would share an experience they themselves had or thoughts along the same line as @kingbr did.  Sarcasm and indignation however reigned. Lighten up, have fun and don't be so thin skinned.  Out
What a coincidence, I was trying to inject a little levity and that is why I didn't specify an amp or speakers or cable. The secret of comedy is out. Seinfeld ran decades and did you notice? Never once did Jerry specify an amp or speakers or cable. Not once! Have not seen comic genius like that until now. arizonabob you got me in stitches.
OK, there's the sarcasm (what a surprise it's your MC) now c'mon how about some righteous indignation...
How dare you impugn my mockery and castigate by innuendo my biting commentary? Have you no sense of literature? Or television, even?!

Returning to sarcasm: no sense of humor, obviously.