The reason you have a big screen (TV?) between your speakers is to watch/listen to your favorite music concert video’s like NIN’S With Teeth or RTF’s Return or the Stones in 78 or Zappa’s Roxy and a hundred others. When the low end comes around and the whole house swells in the dark the screen comes alive and you get that kick inside. Close to being there, very close. I can get closer yet.
No way, black TV screen is so ugly in any interior, also it shouldn’t be even close to audio equipment if it’s not a separate home theater room.
But that’s just my opinion.
Too much computer screens in our life anyway.
TV between your speakers isn’t a problem at all. You could use it to elevate heights if needed. At some setups it could bring more air to the scene and make sound more atmospheric.
Actually, even a window (glass) is pure evil for room acoustic and must be covered if possible by absorbers or diffusers. Glass (or tv screen) act like a mirror for sound, on side or rear wall is even more evil than behind the speakers. In the living room (if it’s also a listening room) it’s impossible to get rid of the windows, so it’s a compromise like in my room. But if you can get rid of the TV between the speakers and put acoustic panels instead then it’s a huge benefit. I ordered acoustic analysis of my room and I use acoustic panels instead of TV screens :)