Intimate, warm and holographic alternative

Me another time... Sorry for the inconveniences.

Yes, recently I started a discussion here with the title: " ATC SCM150 (or JBL Synthesis) (or JBL vintage) (or new Klipsch Jubilee)". See:
Last post from ohlala, advising that studio monitor type sound is not the most "enjoyable" for him, was revealing. I could hear yesterday an SCM20 (yes, I know it´s not comparable in many aspects with the SCM150) but the type of sound have not convinced me.

So now I´m more on the warm side, looking for a intimate and holographic sound with great scene. Really useful some old threadas about this, especially: 

I would like to hear personal opinions and experiences about the best speakers that give that musical sensation in which the devices "disappear". Suggestions, brand, models...

I was searching some brands and models and here are some that have caught my attention:

- Gershman Acoustics: Avant Garde
- Legacy Audio: Aeris + Wavelet
- Devore Fidelity: Orangutan O/96 (fatigue??; little too "in your face"??; fleshy bass??)
- Harbeth: 40.3 XD (not a true rock and roll speaker??)
- Klipsch
- Spendor
- Tannoy

Listening position is 9 feet from the speakers. My room is big: 41 square meters. I´m worried about bass. I hear a lot of music but specially rock, so I would like something capable.

Thanks so much to everyone. You are very helpful.

I agree that Tannoy and Klipsch Heritage (newer the better) are right in the ballpark of a real solution. If I was trying those makes out I’d lean towards valve amping them—yet I’d surely be open to trying some SS too.  Keep us posted on your decision too. Wish I was in your shoes. Great time to be an audiophile! 
Rosso Fiorentino should be on a short list for these requirements.  The Elba 2 has a handful of reviews out now, including Robert Harley from TAS in the April Issue.  I would suggest looking at the Volterra as a real option and pairing it with a Norma IPA-140B.  Both product lines hail from Italy and together create a synergy that symbolizes the beauty of Italian audio.

For full disclosure, I am the distributor for both products.  
I also love the metaphor above:

people who like full range drivers are barking up the right tree

Fatigue from the Orangutans, too in your face? What setup did you hear with these.
id put them at the top of the pile for a organic holographic presentation without any fatigue 
You should try and listen to Boenicke speakers - the W5 is a tiny but holographic monitor while the W8 is a small floorstander which produces  rich 3d sound with great timing.

The speaker design is unique and the sound produced totally engaging. The speakers can rock but struggle if your aree into techno dance music!