My Schumann Generator has Arrived

I received my Schumman Generator on Saturday and I was finally able to try it out today. I tried it centered between the speakers on my rack at about 3ft from the floor. I really couldn't hear much of a difference. I moved it around the room and placed it on different surfaces all about 3ft from the floor. I listened to the same song, all the way through, at each location. I still didn't hear anything different. Then I placed it on top of one of my diffuser panels that is centered between the speakers behind my listening position. This is about 6ft from the floor. Now, I definitely heard a difference. The sound stage widened and the instruments had a more defined space within the sound stage.

Now for the questions. Would higher work even better? Is there a sweet spot for the distance from the floor that has worked for you? Does more than one generator improve things?
@millercarbon  I will be adding a couple more in my listening room and now my wife wants one in the bedroom. I guess we will be trying out all of the potential benefits.
so one needs a sine generator as a master clock and then to couple the output of the that generator to multiple antenna.
to also create the harmonics of the field as well, so, third time's the charm:... it's a sine generator with matching correct harmonics and a set of coupled antennas.
Then.... it's a proper multiple generator set up.

So now we'll have more RFI/EMI in the room which we've been trying to eliminate.

I think at least 50 inches off the floor is good, but not critical. Mahgister's tweak using shungite and Herkimer diamonds is also very effective, even though it sounds crazy. I trusted him and it worked. 
Okay but where the ---- do you get shungite and dilithium crystals, er I mean Herkimer diamonds?
You can get them on ebay (where else?). The Herkimer diamonds are, as far as I can tell, clear quartz crystals, but mined in Herkimer NY. I use a plate of shungite with copper flat tape wrapped around it in four stripes around the plate, and I put one crystal on top. As Mahgister said, with just the shungite, there is more definition, easily heard, but a little dry sounding. The crystal takes care of that.
I happened to have the copper tape because I do stained glass, but you can get it anywhere stained glass supplies are sold, or online. It has adhesive on one side.
By the way, I don’t really thing that there is any real difference between Herkimer and regular clear quartz, and I am a gemologist, so you can probably get it cheaper than I did on ebay. It’s pretty common.