@atmasphere I think the SP10MkIII is better than the new 10R because it has so much more torque. But a good deal of that was so it could be used for LP mastering and I suspect that was not their goal with the newer version.
Yes but no one has addressed the major problem with the SP10mk3 - that is the antiquated error correction circuitry based on obsolete chips that results in errors and overshoot.
The Technics
SP10 servos use algortihms to estimate predicted
errors and employ rapid response times (limited by the technology of the day). The servo action includes
error and overshoot.
It is no better than the jitter endemic in digital reproduction, and sounds like it to me.
I am surprised that on one offers a modern improved speed control system for the SP10mk3 motor.
Since the Technics was built there have been significant advances in technology. We now have computer simulation software to model motor behavior and generate more accurate algorithms, from which the input parameters are derived. There are now faster chips and amplifiers for driving the motor �- PWM�s are switching at a trillionth of a second today.
The problem is the Technics is full of obsolete chips and trying to optimize the feedback loop would be like trying to tune a car that has a very basic engine management system. You would probably be better to throw the boards away and start afresh.
By comparison look at the error correction systems employed in newer TT's such as the NVS & Monaco.
Modern control systems, with enormous computing power, can use statistical analysis, and a continuous shrinkage technique to improve the prediction of error on the fly - resuting in less overshoot and more stability.
In other words with new technology, the input parameters for the speed correction/servos are NOT set in concrete, as in the SP10mk3, they can now be calculated on the fly.
If you believe you cant hear it - have a look at the reviews by owners of the new upgrades to the GP monaco TT's. Omly a few years ago they claimed their TT was state of the art and perfect ( just like CD ). now they have further refined their electronic servos and low and behold - the improvements are audible. And their first TT interation error correction makes the Technis SP10mk3 speed controller system look like the dinosaur it is.
Explanation of Overshoot
Algorithms are used requiring control inputs based on measuring past errors, the present error and a prediction of future error based on the current rate of change.
Past errors (Integral) are included to accelerate the process and remove any steady state errors in the present error (or proportional if you want to get technical).
Since the integral term responds to an accumulation of errors from the past, it can cause the present value to overshoot the set point value (where you want to get to).
In terms of correcting the present error, if the gain is too high you get instability, too low and you get a less responsive controller that may not deal with fluctuations.
The prediction of future errors (called the Derivative) is required to minimize overshoot.
So, summarizing this then these inputs have to be balanced to maximize the correction and minimize instability and overshoot. There are always tradeoffs.