Mea culpa for Uptone Iso Regen USB

Recently I was negotiating to buy a USB cable from a fellow Audiogon member @fsmithjack and he offered in addition to the cable to sell me an Uptone Iso Regen USB with an Uptone linear power supply. I felt a little uncomfortable with the conversation as I was just trying to buy a cable, not a bundle with something else that I hadnt even inquired about. We agreed to go our separate ways, no harm no foul right?

I began reading about the product, skeptically, and became more curious. With the return policy Uptone offers, I thought I would check it out and ordered a new Iso Regen Usb and their new companion 1.2 LPS. Holy moly @fsmithjack was right and I should have listened to him. Single biggest upgrade I recall with my digital front end, instantly upon inserting it into my system!

Long story short, I wanted to publicly acknowledge @fsmithjack as the gentleman that he is, he was just trying to enlighten me and I wasn’t ready to believe the radical improvements he said I would experience. This isn’t a review of the product, this is intended to recognize and thank @fsmithjack for his sage advice, even though I was not very trusting, I now recognize he was just trying to share his experience. Thanks @fsmithjack! He has no affiliation with Uptone, just a fellow Audiogoner that makes this community special. Peace.
It’s reclocking the network signal in front of the DAC. It is making the signal sent to the DAC as pristine as possible. Now if your DAC is slaved to incoming signal then yes that would be huge. Even if it is not the improvement is gigantic. I have buyers with very serious system that can’t believe in the level of improvement. Many of the guys are buying upgrades BNC cables that cost more then the clock and EtherRegen combined. BNC cables offer big upgrades. The biggest loss is in the cable. The cable we provide for free sounds great but there is much more improvement to be had with an upgraded cable. Regardless if your DAC is slaved to the incoming signal or reclocks it after the important is nothing less then fantastic. I am emails daily by folks that love it and can’t believe the improvement. 

sorry, I may have not been clear: the unit to be slaved to the reclocked dac is the server via asynchronous usb; your comment on the bnc cable is spot on. I use a Shunyata Sigma. 
I just received the Queen master clock with the After Dark LPS as well. I have to say that these products are the real deal, and sound quality is noticeably enhanced right out of the box. I understand that it takes a while for the clock to settle in. In the meantime, I look forward to enjoying the ride. Thank you fsmithjack.

I have to say I purchased a 432 evo standard from Dave and at the same time an etheregen and  the queen master clock and upgraded ps along with his better bnc cable from Afterdark. I've had these all connected since day one maybe 6 or 7 months ago. Never tried the server without the other items until Sunday and what a difference the Queen clock made. 

I literally couldn't listen to the evo without the Queen clock plugged into the ETheregen.  I was very skeptical all along thinking I could've saved a lot and purchased a twice as expensive server without the clock and Ethergen, I thought it wasn't needed but now I see it is. The difference is night and day I tell you.  I believe that these two items could allow any of us to save on a server and perhaps with a more expensive server the ext clock is even that much better. I wish now I would've bought the best clock from AD!