Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?

Hi All,

So I reached out to Simaudio as my amp (Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel) is getting a bit long in the tooth. It performs truly flawlessly and is just beautiful and barely even gets warm after running all day long. I was just more curious than anything about lifespan, etc. Simaudio replied right away. They said all the units they'd manufactured since 2001 are still "active". However they did recommend sending it to them (if I could be without it for a few weeks) for "cleaning and calibration".  

Couple of things, I can't even go 1 day without this unit. But beyond that just the thought of packing this thing up and shipping literally makes me cringe. I'd certainly pay extra if there was some way to avoid UPS/FedEx or any other means like that. Any recommendations and have any of you ever done something like this?

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks all in advance...
Sim audio is in Quebec but they do have an outlet in Buffalo I believe but then they'll still truck it over to Quebec anyways.
You can get original packaging from SIM it's a double box and it should be okay to ship that way.
compressed air , take outside of course , then go back inside rub one out then hook back-up . problem solved 
Think of those circuit boards, connectors, etc all vibrating for hundreds of miles.  Then those potholes.  Electronics just love potholes. 

I think the potential for damage far outweighs any benefit that could exist.

If someone was bent on checking bias and cleaning--do it yourself!  With some basic equipment it is not difficult.