Speaker cone shape

Why are speakers cone shaped, apart from rigidity? To my mind the air being pushed by a cone would radiate at an angle inward toward the axis of the speaker and collide in the centre, which seems inefficient to me, and likely to cause some distortion of the sound. This may also cause interference to adjacent speakers on the same baffle.  Would there be any advantage to having the surface flat, assuming you could maintain rigidity without increasing the mass? There must be modern capable materials out there.
Is the fact that the speaker is cone shaped that causes the volume to change counter intuitively as you move left and right in front of the speakers? What I mean by counter intuitively is when you move left the right speaker sounds louder and visa versa.
Manger makes flat diaphragm drivers that use the "bending wave" principle for phase coherence.
Don't forget the Quad 63 with its flat ESL panel driven concentrically by delay lines to approximate a point source. Now made in China by the IAG group!
Flat drivers? I didn’t read every line, BUT PLANAR. I been using them for over 25 years.. Small planars are "flat". 3" 8" 10" all real popular.

Strathearns are a wonderful FLAT ribbon driver.. Actually one of my all time favorites. Nothing is like a Strathearn, nothing..

300 hz and down round speakers and no planars for ME. There are planars that will play to 150 or so.. I couldn’t get use to it.

A lot of the music I listen to 150hz -300hz likes round cone speakers.

So the best of both worlds. Round larger sub drivers 10" med - high excursion for 100 hz or less with tunable phase plugs. Kevlar, and WCF are my preference for material. 8" or smaller cone style medium excursion, with cast basket and once again (adjustable if need be) phase plugs. 100-300hz Mid Bass duty...

The only thing I really change in the system IS for controlling the drivers.

Servo or DSP, I use both passive and plate amps with dsp. 100 hz <
I use Behringer 2496 and 12K class Ds, directly coupled to the drivers.. Guess what as accurate as GRs Servo system for controlling cone overshoot., IF you use an active XO and short heavy cables. The dampening actually works as good... Go figure... Not servo, but extremely well behaved with off the shelf PE sub drivers...

I used GR OB servo system for Sub duty too.. 100 hz < Great look and it pressures the room a completely different way...

The best speakers I ever heard were and ARE DIY.. The finest speakers in the whole world are DIY, onesies and twosies.. the only scientist in sight were the RED faced fools admiring them, IF thy were invited at all.

Sorry guys it ain’t rocket science, a good 6th grade education IF YOU LISTENED. Will build you the best speakers money can buy. Crack me up with all the tech talk... BLING ad whatever price you want.. In the 4th grade I learned how to repair an oscilloscope and built my first valve amp...

OH I like model railroading too, but it is a TAD more techy, ay...BUT the people there think it's real high on the tech list too.. CRACK ME UP... It is more techy than stereo gear, we use stereo gear in some of the setups..

Depends on the day, ay... :-)

The noble art of the "Audiophiler", expensive YES.. Rocket science NO...

Back to cones: how about the Walsh soeaker? Omnidirectional and phase coherent! I have a pair of the older Sound Cylinders and they do produce a 3-D room-filling sound field unlike the typical box speaker! Astounding is the best word to describe them!