Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?

From my limited reading it seems that a cd burned to a hard drive will be a bit for bit copy because of the software programs used to rip music files. A transport has to get it right the first time and feed the info to a dac. Wavelength audio has some interesting articles about computer based systems and have made a strong statement that a transport will never be able to compete with a hard drive>dac combo.

Anybody care to share their thoughts?
This is very subjective.

High tech equipment replacing low tech equipment ?
The question goes back to why some people prefer LP sound than CD sound ?
Why some people prefer analog amp as compared to digtal amp ?

Its all come back to demand & supply.

In any of the music u listened to, the source play a very important part.

My thinking is that if a cd burned to a hard drive will be a bit for bit copy because of the software programs used to rip music files, then the cd will surely offer a better sound than your burned cd.

The purpose of any recording is to make the cd sound as real as the original which cd is still trying very hard to achieve.

By burning a cd might add some colourity to the sound.

Just my thought.
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I don't think it is at all the same as Vinyl Vs. CD, just my opinion, Vinyl is superior in general cause the recordings can sound more natural than Digital period. Especially if done well and on a playback system worthy of it, Now with digital Transfer from storage Vs. spinning a CD is a whole different thing, cause its nature from either have nothing to do with analog sound like a Turntable. Fact is the further you can advance digital transfer the better it will be, regardless if people want to believe its impossible for a 400.00 dollar computer storing the INfo cannot sound as good as a 12,000 Transport transfering it in real time. I think it is very possible for a hard drive or storage based whatever we are talking about here to have less errors than a real time disc spinning, as long as the info is stored correctly in the first place.
The benefit that this thing offered is that u can burned all your flavourite songs as a form of library in the hard drive.

I think things are getting more high tech just like mp3 players. Its getting more & more convinent.
Who knows this will be the future.

But I still stand at my own word that nothing sound better than the original. Talking about SACD, DVD-A. They are almost dead.

System trying to make the sound better, more musical but its full of colouration.
Is that the sound that u like ?
Yes, maybe to the newer generation of people.
Kublakhan: In regards to your plan to layout your storage as a 2 disk stripe, I wouldn't recommend it. Striped disks offer no data protection with the benefit being increased I/O. I doubt if the disk I/O requirements for audio would push the limits of even a regular PC hard drive sending a single stream. If one of those disks goes out on you, you lose all of the data, the same as if you only had one disk. Look at mirroring the drives, which will give you exactly half the usable storage as the total of both. The other option is a RAID 5 device, which requires a minimum of 3 or 4 drives. A safe estimate of usable storage would be all the disks added up, minus one. RAID 5 will give you very good I/O especially disk read performance. Both of these solutions will protect you against any single disk going bad. More importantly you can rest easier at night knowing something catastophic would have to happen for you to lose all of the songs on your drives. I don'd deal with the MS Windows world too much, so I'm not sure if XP or something like that can create these type of virtual devices for you without having to buy additional software or not, but the same would apply to your striped volume ( disk ).
Personally, I'm in the process of upgrading my wireless network to support Apple's Airport express. I borrowed a buddy's for a few weeks and really liked the results and the lack of wires. I'm convinced wireless is the future for home networking, audio is good to go right now, video will be down the road as the wireless speeds and technologies continue to improve.