What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?

I well remember in the ‘80s when we were amazed and thrilled by CD.
Wow, no more pops and clicks and all the physical benefits.
Seems so many abandoned vinyl.
But now, with so much convenience, available content and high SQ seems even dedicated vinylholics have again abandoned vinyl and embraced digital. However, there is clearly a new resurgence in analog.
But I look at, for example, whitecamaro’s “List of amplifiers...” thread and no one seems interested in analog!
To me, it seems strange when auditioning “$100Kish gear, that vinyl doesn’t enter the picture or conversation.
I have two systems with turntables plus a server with about 4000 CDs on it (I have a similar number of LPs). For casual listening, digital gets used more. For listening sessions, it is probably 75% analogue for me.
The room acoustical bad controls of most users reinforce the choice of vinyl because vinyl S.Q. format resist more to a non optimal acoustical room settings...Digital to shine ASK for optimal acoustical controls more than vinyl, because of the technical aspect and measured potential performance of this format...

Please allow me to rephrase for you Mahgister, because what you wrote is potentially import (even though this thread didn't ask what people like).

The are unique properties in what we could call the signal processing of vinyl, whether that is channel cross talk, increasing distortion at frequency extremes, added noise, etc.  Some of those, like crosstalk, could be conducive, in poor acoustic environments (most audiophiles rooms) to higher satisfaction. Similarly, the distortion and background noise can give a sense of space, or even realism that some may find lacking in digital.  What are perceived flaws, can be an advantage, both overall, and for particular listeners.
I listen exclusively to analog, Vinyl or R2R only. I turn 75 later this year and although I dabbled a bit in digital when it first arrived I never left my analog world. Some of this might be due to the fact I deal with 1400 computers, 2000 Chromebooks and 5 servers all day long and when I get home a nice single malt and some analog is the way I go!
 I listen to all LP & CD, SACD, DVD & Blu Ray. I have no streaming equipment and will not invest in any. To old and not enough $$$.  I love vinyl, I'm building a collection of Blue Note Tone Poet Series. If I want to listen to any of the LP's, I'll buy 2 LP's or I'll buy the CD to listen to it.
   Just my way, crazy or not    Ron