Banned in Audiogon?

I have experienced that certain manufacturers are "Protected" 
in this forum. Curious if other regulars have the same opinion?
Let's see how far this goes before it is gone.
It's a little puzzling, this criticism of Wilson's.

From a distance you see excellent drivers placed in well thought-out composite cabinets.

So what can possibly go wrong from there?

What does that leave, crossovers?

Could it just be a simple matter of less than perfect crossover design on some models?


"A guy would start a thread, the FOUR would show up.. A whole page of going back and fourth. Not adding a penny's worth to the conversation.."

Yes, seems to be a lot less of that now.

When it comes to online reviews (Amazon etc) I usually find it more informative to start by reading the one star reviews.

Some very mediocre products on there seem to have a fantastic number of 5 star reviews.
Good question, cd318.  Another possibility is that the Wilson designers are succeeding very well at getting the sound they and their many customers like. 

Remains a bit puzzling why they are so polarizing, but no doubt Wilson sells a lot of very expensive kit.
Why is this turning into a discussion about the merits of Wilson speakers?
Err, because some points were made about Wilsons that some of us found interesting?
Plus, it's a test of the OPs "banned" hypothesis, for one manufacturer.