CD player suggestions under $700

Hello, I'm looking to purchase a new CD player to replace my old Nakamichi that is starting to get a little noisy with an internal hum and would like to get something with a more current DAC.  I listen to vinyl and stream most of the time and only play CD's about 10% of my listening time but do think many of my older AAD CD's sound better than streaming with my Bluesound Node 2i. 

I'll be pairing the CD Player up with a PS Audio Gain Cell and Vandersteen Treo's. 

Does anyone have any experience with the Music Hall c-dac 15.3? I'd also like recommendations for other CD players with onboard DAC's. 

I tried it with a pair of AudioQuest King Cobra cables, I could hear no difference on my McIntosh based system
Thanks for the info on my cable question. I didn't expect there would be a noticeable difference with that short of a run. I appreciate the input.

Marantz released a new version of the CD6006 and is now a CD6007 with an updated DAC that looks like a very nice CD player for $600 and it was on What HiFi's list of top CD players for 2021 in the price range. Although I'm not sure just how much weight What HiFi carries on the forums. 

Rotel has a few nice CD Players in the $800-$1000 range also so I may be raising my budget before this is all over. 

At that price level, I would skip the CD player, and opt for a Denafrips Ares DAC with a 100 dollar DVD player with digital out....
Interesting thought that opens up another can of worms on all of the DAC's out there. Looks like the Ares II goes for about $1K. 
I think if I would go the DAC route I would select a less expensive CD player or CD transport as opposed to a cheap DVD player because I find the cheaper DVD players to have flimsy disc transports where the CD players have a better transport. Thanks.