Our new Demo room featuring Magico M2 and Dagostino Momentum

Hey guys just thought I would share some content as we are finally finishing up our room after a year of construction and COVID in North NJ.... Cannot express how happy we are with this setup and the Magico M series has quickly become my favorite pair of speakers we own...

Lots of photos on our insta: https://www.instagram.com/electronicconcepts/

Hope everyone is safe and healthy!!
I can say that I have firsthand experience dealing with Paul...on some Shindo gear in the past. Absolutely wonderful to work with and I can highly recommend him!!

Thanks for the info.

Since I'm building a dedicated room I want to accommodate the room for the speakers if I decide to pull the trigger on the M2s. Based on your response it seems that a room that is 14x22 would work better for the M2s than a 15x24 room.
Every room is different....   I can tell you that at 14x21 M2's were the correct choice for us.   I do not think that a few more feet would have made me feel that I needed the M3, but........   If i had the budget available I am certain that I would NOT have been unhappy if I had done the M3 in this space.....  We would have more bass and a larger sound stage I am sure....  If you have the ability to hear either pair in a room around this size i would highly reccomned.   IF we can help in anyway don't hesitate to reach out.  Info@ecny.net