Grace Design m902 vs. Benchmark DAC1?

Has anyone tried these units head-to-head? Both are Stereophile Class A, both are well regarded in the pro audio world. One Stereophile reviewer preferred the Grace, but another uses the Benchmark. The Grace has advantage of remote volume control and an additional analogue in, but it is significantly more expensive. I anticipate getting one of these two products to go into my main system streaming Apple Lossless from an Airport Express via toslink. Thoughts and recommendations appreciated, particularly if anyone is in a position to compare the way they sound.
you might want to check John Mark´s columns on the Stereophile -site. He has compared both units, and prefers the Grace, especially as a DAC
the electrocompinet dac is very good(though you didnt include it, you might want to give it a audition).. the retail has just been lowered from $2200 to $1700 and they go for $1000 used

it is a very musical unit and has no shortcomings for a sub $5k dac..if anything, it is a little bit on the "lush" side. incredible bass slam, cohesive top to bottom, and the one of few "musical" dacs to come on the scene.
I agree with Mikesinger. I think both of these DAC's can be beat for slightly more money in a big way.
I agree. Even the similarly priced Lavry Black is a significant improvement. The second hand price on the Electrocompaniet gets my vote for probably the best bargain around. Another interesting DAC I am looking into is the Zhaolu, which starts at USD80!! But certain upgrades need to be ordered and you need to pay freight, taxes etc and it could cost you up to $500. I have one here but it needs another week or so of running before I will listen to it properly. However some reports from acquaintances indicate it is at least comparable with the Benchmark and better in the areas where the Benchmark is weak.
Kerimf, I'm in a similar situation. Apple Airport Express for streaming, just need a DAC to fulfill the potential. Currently have the Benchmark and I think I'm seeing similar results as reported on 6moons, stereophile, in that the resulting sound is wide with precise soundstaging and great air, yet analytical and not terribly involving. Granted it's my first DAC and I'm impressed nonetheless! However, I want to add SACD down the road and I like the analog input option on the Grace. I ordered it today and am ready for a weekend showdown with a non-broken-in Grace vs. the 3 wk old Benchmark. I'd like to hold onto both longer, but my 30 day trial with the Benchmark is expiring soon!