Dumb blonde needs help with power cable matching to subwoofer

Hi! I have a buyer here for my late husband's Rythmik Audio Direct Servo Sealed F12 Subwoofer and I need to know what power cord goes with it.
(When my husband's friends were dismantling his stereo/Home Theatre system they didn't keep the power cords with the components.)
Can someone please help?
First, thank you to everyone for your replies. Second, to tweak1: Thank you for the compliment! I am blonde (I’m of 100% Norwegian descent) and also fairly smart, but that’s not to say I don’t have my moments! But I thought I would get responses quicker on my post since my buyer was there & I was embarrassed I hadn’t matched up the cords yet.

The buyer was actually veerrryyy patient and we figured it out. We set aside the 5 thickest cords, then took the 2 that matched and used those. (He was buying 2 identical Direct Servo subwoofers.) The other 3 are most likely for 3 other monster (to me anyway) amps/preamps Doug had.

I was under the impression one had to be careful like you do with an AC Adapter matching input/output, amps, volts, etc. Live and learn!! Thanks again!

kkirk001 OP
Dumb blonde needs help with power cable matching to subwoofer

KK it’s just a normal IEC power cord that doesn’t use the earth.

Like this from Wall Mart
And don’t worry about tweak, he’s an i***t, we all know that.

Cheers George