The voice coils caught fire less than half an hour into the first band's set. LITERALLY CAUGHT FIRE.
Richard Gray did advise , that I am going in the very opposite direction as his Atmosphere 2.8watt SWET with 83db eff speakers,
While the Atmos owner burnt up his SET amp, <<like 3x's>>?? according to Richard's testimony, That I would witha 100 pure watt PP amplifier <<Litterally Fry the 98 db speakers>>
This morning as i awaoke, i realized, just at what vol level on the linestage jadis can I turn before i have << high db level>>
Might have to get that Italian step attenuator for $300 have Ricahrd install,
OR sell off the Defy7 and make a offer on Richard;s 250 tube SET amplifier he designed, its all attached to a piece of plywood, , but thats neither here nor there, Its how does it sound.
After I get the 8's up N running I will test the 2 amps.
I mean even with the 6.5 Diatone, the vol knob hardly ever goes past 9 oclock, if that.
94db, then 98 db, now i am beginning to understand all this SET vs PP paired with super high FR speakers.
Got it.