6922 recommendations for ARC PH7

Hi folks,

Looking to roll the tubes in my Audio Research PH7 phono pre. Looking for a recommendation for a 6299 that will extend the top end, midrange and give me a little more airiness without sacrificing the bottom end (Sorta what we are all looking for right lol) 

the  tubes I’m currently using are 4 Electro-Harmonix which sound good but they are a little laid back on the top. Very neutral sound which is a good thing, but want to try something new. My main room is not a very lively room as it is. However after testing the ARC in my living room system which is much more lively room I still am not getting the result I’m after. Dont get me wrong. Not complaining about the sound of the pre at all. I have been wanting to roll the tubes in this piece for some time now if not more than to just experiment with. Just got the itch to try something new. 

This dialog could be superimposed on a discussion of fine wines, just by changing a few words.  I think the effects of tube rolling are way overblown, although "real" in the eye of the beholder.  In my opinion, a few judicious changes to a circuit or an upgrade in coupling capacitors, can make a far greater difference.
@ mijostyn4 

" I think you meant 0.4 and 0.5 mV."

Yes you would be correct that is exactly what I meant. I actually thought about that last night as i lay in bed and meant to put out a correction. I realize that people read these forums for accurate info and I did intend to correct that statement but you beat me to it. 

" Where are you getting the Phillips from. Are they tested and graded?"

I by all my tube from upscale audio, and yes they are tested and matched. they provide the T rating on each tube. 

These shipped yesterday. I think I am also going to give the siemens a try for comparison as well. 


" This dialog could be superimposed on a discussion of fine wines, just by changing a few words. I think the effects of tube rolling are way overblown, although "real" in the eye of the beholder. In my opinion, a few judicious changes to a circuit or an upgrade in coupling capacitors, can make a far greater difference"

I suppose you are correct. However that's not something I can do myself, and every time I want to upgrade or roll again my gear has to go to the shop, wait for weeks to get it back, etc etc. With tubes I can make a change anytime I want. Now if I were an EE and could do that myself then maybe but for me its more about convivence plus its fun rolling tubes  and experimenting. :) 

30 years. wow thats a long time to work period, and a blessing. Working for one company for 30 years is an achievement. You should be happy to be able to claim that. 
"In my opinion, a few judicious changes to a circuit or an upgrade in coupling capacitors, can make a far greater difference."                                                                            Not everyone can solder/mod their own gear.      I don't own a piece of gear, that hasn't been upgraded and have also upgraded numerous customer pieces.      I've not yet found a piece of tubed equipment, that didn't respond even more obviously (sound even MORE like the real thing), with the highest-echelon tubes, after having it's circuitry upgraded.      It's been my experience, over the past 50+ years: improvements are cumulative.     What's the problem with seeking the best obtainable reproduction, via EVERY available resource?