Finally saved 3000 what is a good setup.

After year trolling this website and saving I have finally earned 3K to spend on a system. Currently I am using some old Sony studio speakers my friend gave a few years back but now its time for a change. I am firmly in the digital camp and have been using a Squeezebox for the last few years and have transferred much of my collection onto a hard drive. What I need advice how to split 3000 between a set of speakers and an integrated amp or power amp (my setup now and use the digital volume on the SB).

To help with suggestion, my living room in going to be my main setup. The room is 18 X 14 X 10 with carpeted floors. I have room to spread these puppies at most 8 - 10 feet apart. I don't care if their monitors or floor standers but cannot be panel. I am married and my wife, who is also into music, would not like something that will dominate the household.

Heres a little about me. I am a studio musician and teacher by trade. In addition, I listen to all types of music, considering I am exposed to so much different types of music at the studio, and regularly go to live concerts to see a wide variety of music. As such, my idea deal speaker is true to the source without adding too much, makes me feel like I am actually one of those live concerts, is realistic, and just disappear. I know for many bass is key but I like honest bass not the exaggerated bass that so many speakers produce IMO.

So what you think. What would be a good combination?
Hmmm. There is an ocean of speakers out there. You need to get around and here a few to get a feel for what you like.

The Zu speakers are very live and dynamic sounding, can be placed against a back wall, and are efficient so you can run them using a SET tube amp, etc ('s-high-effici).

LSA makes nice sounding speakers and a good integrated that is affordable ( and (

I would also look at a decent little dac for the squeezebox:
Slightly over your budget at $3350, but here are a pair of Gallo Reference 3.1s for $1650:

Mate those to this Butler Audio hybrid amp for $1699:

This will give you a world-class speaker/amp combo that should work marvelously in your room. The Gallos are exceptionally good speakers. And the Butler amp will drive them effortlessly and with great authority.

Google these items and you will see that they are universally priased for their exceptional sound and build quality. My HT setup sounds terrific using a Butler TDB-5150 to drive my all-Gallo suurround sound setup...

Rlwainswright, I have heard both the Gallos and Butler amps, and I concur.