Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?
Each component has a different impedance requirement.

Different cables have different configurations and that interaction is what you are hearing

To optimize waveform transmission, and that is your goal I hope, each cable has to be designed for that equipment. Every other electronic discipline employs this, and any EE will reiterate the same thing.

Wonder who would build a cable for your particular impedance and application? It took me 3 years of calculations and building 150 cables (down to even forming the conductors) to perfect it. Not easy, but it ends the upgrades.
I don’t have a lot of experience with entire looms, as opposed to mix-and-match, but I have had Zu Cable and Acoustic BBQ looms. Audiogoner Bill Dion used to make the Acoustic BBQ; while I gather he no longer does, you still can find some of his products in the used market. Although I have used individual Kimber, Audience, and Morrow cables that were more expensive than the Acoustic BBQ, it was only the latter that made me want to acquire a full loom. Unless I make wholesale changes in my system, which I don’t expect, I don’t anticipate buying anything else, as the Acoustic BBQ sound that good to me.
My methodology re. cables has always been KISS. - low capacitance, low inductance and low resistance, with as short of run as possible.
I have no desire to tune my system with ridiculously priced cables. Speaker cables:Ted’s "INTEGRITY" 8’ - 24AWG single strand OCC coper in a PTFE sleeve for ea. lead - one pair doubled (as per D. Schroeder) for ea. speaker. IC cables: CABLEPLEX C1 Silver. Power cable: what ever the manufacture supplied with, or recommends for their unit - effectively and safely getting 120V power from your outlet to a component is not rocket science.....Jim


3,018 posts
04-27-2021 10:46am
Any recommendations where the cables were used in mixed sets should have a qualification. The house sound, how the cables were designed to sound as per manufacturer, is not obtained unless, and ONLY unless they are used in a complete set. I have demonstrated this with many systems (i.e. dozens) with several genres of speakers over the past 14 years of reviewing.

I would like to point out that Mr. Schroeder has not changed all of the wiring in his components and speakers, so is not getting the full "house sound" that he refers to. He never will because all components and speakers are a mix of parts, each having their own metals and materials.
"House sound" is ambiguous anyway, because almost all manufacturers strive for realistic sound reproduction.
Bottom line is whatever mix sounds good to you is the one you should keep (for the time being anyway).

With that said, I really like MIT Oracle interconnects, Zentara interconnects, Silnote interconnects, MG Audio and Sablon speaker cables, and for power cords; Triode Wire Labs, Shunyata, Synergistic Atmosphere (source components), and a few others depending on the component. I have not found one brand to be best for every component.