Simple Digital Music Server - Opinions Please

Six months ago, I added an Audio Mirror DAC to my system and use my Marantz SA14 SACD player as a redbook transport. I’ve thought about replacing my Marantz and getting a stand alone transport. While doing some research, I’ve stumbled on some very interesting information on hard drive based digital playback systems. I’m thinking about giving one a try. I read numerous posts here on Audiogon, and I think for a modest sum of money, one can achieve superior results with a hard drive playback system.

I’ve stumbled onto a product that will bridge the music from a PC to your DAC. It’s manufactured by a company called Roku and they have a few variations that will do what I’m looking for. The line of product is called the SoundBridge Network Music Player.

Here is what I’m thinking of doing and I would like to get some feedback for those who have heard music from hard drive based play back system.

Using my existing PC in another room (having the PC in a different room eliminates PC fan noise); I plan to add a 400GB external USB hard drive. (600-650 music CD’s) I plan to rip all my CD’s into wave or Apple Lossless files. Apple Lossless with give one double capacity without any sound quality loss. Please give me some feedback here if you have experienced differently. I will run an Ethernet cable from the PC to the Roku device in my sound room. The Roku will then connect to my external DAC via coax cable and DAC to my preamp.

Here is what I’m hoping to achieve with my project:

• Superior redbook playback compared to my current setup.
• The convenience of have all CD’s accessed from my listening chair via the Roku remote.
• Added bonus of digital internet radio
• File sharing possibilities with others
• Selling my SACD player and having a few hundred dollars left over for added music after funding my project

I’m estimating that my total investment will be:

• Roku Soundbridge $499
• Ethernet Cable $50
• 400GB external hard drive $300

• Total investment $850
Islandflyfisher - just picked up this thread. While you could rip all your CDs onto your PC, I am using Yahoo! Music Unlimited and streaming WMA files. Not only do I get to select music from the 1MM+ catalog ($60/annual subscription), but the WMAs streamed via Ethernet to my Roku Soundbridge fed into a Musical Fidelity A3.24 via SPDIF and A3 integrated amp sound great! I also get Internet radio, so I nearly never turn on my tuner or CD player anymore.

Congrats on your purchase of the soundbridge. I have the M1001 feeding a MF Tri-Vista. Computer to ethernet cable to Soundbridge to DAC to Integrated. I honestly can not tell a difference between this setup and using my transport. It is also a lot more convient.

my understanding is that all such PC based wireless solutions....including Airport Express, Rokus and Sonateer etc...all have perfect byte for byte transmission yes, but are very poor in rejecting jitter. In fact JA at Stereophile measured this awhile back in one of his follow ups on Airport Express. so to assume it will be "better" than your current CD player is not a given by any means.