How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?

So far I own around 300 vinyl albums all purchased in a last 20 years. Even while I listen to for about 10 albums a week it seems I want to keep adding more and more to my library. I wonder if there is a point when one says it's enough, there is no point to add more as there is no time or an interest to listen to them all. How many do you have? How much time it look to put it together? How many of them do you really listen? 
About 600, I try not to listen to the same 40 or 50 but I have my favorites. Some have been played once and put away, others have been played so often that I have to have two copies. I have them spaced out in two side by side LP bins, from a company called LPBin, so they have a designated space that the wife doesn’t object to.
 I like to listen to 1 or 2 albums each morning with my coffee, then again later at night, after my ballgame has ended. I listen more during the winter when there’s no baseball, but I love playing records each and every day.
 I probably scroll through eBay & Disogs more than I should, but I’m not the type to want to put my wife & myself in the poorhouse so the ever expanding library grows slowly
I lost track, maybe several thousand. I am always buying. Records arrive at my door every week. My wife just rolls her eyes now. You name it, I probably got it. In the past two years I’ve acquired about 30 "better records" hot stampers which set me back several thousand bucks. I like the fact that I can just walk over to the different areas that they are stored and pick out whatever I want at will. I think of it as preserving lol. I recently paid $300 for a sealed copy of Casino Royale. I buy mostly sealed older lp’s when I can find them on both Ebay and Discogs. The ones I own that are not sealed range from vg+ to mint, but most of my records are in pristine condition. I will most likely never stop buying. This does not even include the hundreds of cd’s and cassettes, as well as maybe 100 45’s. All my stuff is neatly stored and not thrown about all over the house. Unlike a hoarder, I am able to freely walk around uninhibited.
+/- 500 I may listen to 20-25 per year. My collection is mostly NM, M- from the late 50's to early 2000's. Mainly Jazz, Big Band, pop/rock and eclectic/avant-garde stuff. My CD, SACD and streaming collection is much much larger.