How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?

So far I own around 300 vinyl albums all purchased in a last 20 years. Even while I listen to for about 10 albums a week it seems I want to keep adding more and more to my library. I wonder if there is a point when one says it's enough, there is no point to add more as there is no time or an interest to listen to them all. How many do you have? How much time it look to put it together? How many of them do you really listen? 
Several months ago, I bought a pre-owned higher end turntable. I sold most of my records when I sold my last turntable a couple of years ago. I have around 250 records now, mostly reissues. I'm still working my way through the ones I bought recently. I have become a dedicated headphone listener and the CD format is just so easy. I'm even considering selling my Nakamichi cassette deck as I simply can't find the time to enjoy all the formats.
About 2000 lp's, what to choose, depends.
Though i admit my classical collection is partially neglected in terms of listening for the moment.
For me 3k to 4k would be a good library.
About 1200-1300 LP’s.  I am very lazy these days and mostly listen to FM stereo.  My collection is 70% Rock, 15% Jazz and 15% Classical.  I spin vinyl at most, twice a month due to my extreme laziness. 
I had about 2000, but after moving three times in four years, I reduced that number to about 600 of my favorites. I also have about 1450 cd’s and SACDs that I’ve ripped and put on a NAS.  Music plays in this house 3-7 hours a day.

All the best.

I probably have less then a 100. I am always tempted to buy more and more but I try to be selective. First of all, I want to make sure it's an album I want to listen to all the way through.

Also, I have limited space, so I simply cannot have an endless supply which brings me back to being selective in what I buy.