Teac A-3340S

So today I was able to get my hands on a Teac A-3340S and not sure honestly what to do with it.  A member of my church passed away and the church was just helping with giving away items. When I saw it I figured it was something I shouldn't pass up. I would love some advice when it comes to keeping it ( not that I see myself using it much) or selling it.  It seems to be in good shape and of course I would want a professional to look over it and make sure it is in good working order.  

I sold a lot of Teac A3340S reel to reel recorders back in the day.  A very nice and well built machine.  Plus they had a great spiff for the salesmen back then.   You can connect it to your system and use it to record music from FM, etc. 
Thank yall so much for your advice. I was excited when I saw it and figured it was to good to pass up. As I said before I don't know much about them but looking forward to learning. Hopefully I can find someone around my area to give it a clean bill of health. 
learn how to clean the heads   not hard but it need to be done on a regular basis..... JD
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