Russco, QRK, Sparco, Garrard, Thoren, Fairchild, Roberts

Ok I have several of the old rim drive broadcast TT. Russcos, QRKs, Sparcos, and
a few more. Also different Transcriptions, Thoren TD 121, 124s, 224s, and Garrard 401s.
Had a Fairchild (stolen). What's your favorites, or ones not mentioned.

Plinths, what are you using, what have you made, what have you bought??

I'm into the actual repair and mods of the machine more than the use, I love um', but
they are used.

Have any tips, tricks, suggestions?

There are after market idler brackets from Europe that sell for 50 bucks and there is a guy in Thailand that I purchased an idler wheel from, listed at 75 bucks or make off. I offered 60 bucks and it’s on the way for 68 bucks shipped. He advertises on Ebay. Look for past listing or search seller name windkit.
The idler wheel that I purchased looks like a high end Audio Silente wheel that uses an o-ring for a tire. My buddy that has both a Thorens and a Garrard swears by that design.
Check on for the bracket.
Or, I’ll pay you 100 bucks to get that broken TT off of your hands. LOL Even pay shipping.
Oh if you need any parts let me know, you take care of the shipping for the most part, I'll fix you up.. :-)

That part, for the tire, there are a couple of different ones. The better one if off set. You can get either to work, BUT the geometry of the off set make for a smoother application of the boggy (driver hub) vs platter contact area. It changes the position. It's better if the drive hub is under a dampening ring CUT on the other side of the rim of the platter..

Like I said, you can MATCH the finest TT in the world if you pay attention and share.. LOL That is actually a learned Garrard trick, if there are any Garrard guys watching.. Stock platter dampening rings and boggy position on the other side of the rim make a difference in noise big time..

Plenty of info on the Link about a Russco Renovation.
Work carried out by a engineer with a keen interest in Idler Drive TT's.

The Forum will probably offer a lot of information for Idler Drive TT's you need information on.
Check Through the Other Turntable Section.
oldhvymec, can you give me some more detail on your idler wheel mods, not sure what you mean concerning offsets. I think I follow your line about machining a groove on the OD of the platter and using say a rubber o-ring and having that in line with the idler wheel on the inside.
I'd want to find a spare platter to make that mod to as mine is in very nice shape. Sounds like an excellent idea though. Remember turning brake drums on the brake lathe? Used a rubber strap on the OD to kill any resonances. Same idea.
pindac, I have been looking at the Lenco Heaven forum, some neat builds there although I'm not a big fan of Lenco TT they have some good ideas.