This forum is antiquated.

I'm a member of several forums. This site is ancient in it's ability to respond to member's posts, and is also extremely cumbersome to reply to specific member's posts, quotes, etc. What am I missing? For some posts that are so technologically subjective....the objective merits of this website and forums are so 1990s. Ancient technology. 

Thoughts? Discuss.
This new kid is a member of a few other forums as well. They’re all free...and far more functional.  The guy that designed the forum chimed in and I thanked him for his response. He passed it on to someone else that didn’t have the time.
Carry on...

Please don’t let the door hit you on the way out.  It is plainly obvious there is a poor fit here.  You should participate on other forums you enjoy more.

Thanks very much for your sage advice. Both insightful and full of brilliant wit and wisdom.

Also no personal party lines to toe here.  

Really? If you can’t “hear” how good a power cable sounds you are roundly accused of being either a) too poor to afford the really good stuff b) too cheap to have a good system or c) lacking in listening skills and are mocked. 

How about the political party lines to toe here? The forum is rife with Fox News keyboard warriors calling people communists and fascists while mocking and deriding anything that threatens their fragile sense of racial superiority. The rising tide of right wing paranoid talking points on this forum is really something to behold. As if there aren’t a million other forums to talk about that crap on. 

But at least you can’t use foul language on here. Insult and berate, sure. Just no cuss words. Heaven forfend!

"The forum is rife with Fox News keyboard warriors calling people communists and fascists while mocking and deriding anything that threatens their fragile sense of racial superiority. The rising tide of right wing paranoid talking points on this forum is really something to behold."   Really?

You’re right, there are lots of forums where political rant is accepted, even encouraged. Sorry, this isn’t one of them. If you don’t like it here, go there!