every easter i load my speakers in the bed of my pickup truck and run through a brushless car wash
make sure it is a brushless wash, you don't want swirls on the finish
make sure it is a brushless wash, you don't want swirls on the finish
Speaker cleaning and maintenance
Hot and dusty where I live.. Vacuum with a brush attachment. If I see surrounds getting too dry I’ll treat them. I only use Silicone or BR surrounds so silicone is the best treatment on the surround, not the binder (glue). I apply the silicone with a lent free rag. I have 50 year old BR surrounds and 75+ on cloth/wire surrounds. They will last another 75 years.. The suns UV are the killers.. I quit dong the car wash thing.. Every time I let them dry out... :-) Regards |
To clean the cones I use “TAC cloths” from a company called Rust-Oleum. Www.rustoleum.com.au/motorspray AG🇦🇺 |