New Dynaudio Heritage Special..?..!

Does anyone know anything about these speakers?
just launched last week.
only 2500 made. $7000 or so in US.
Looks like an old Contour, but has all the components of the Confidence.
sounds like the ultimate monitor.

I have Special 40s and now am envious..😉

anyone hear anything?

Most all speaker perform at there best has far as possible away from both front and side walls, my dynaudio S 25,s are 8.5 ft from the front and 6 ft from the sides leaving 7 ft apart in a 19x33x10.3 room.

I would imagine the heritage in my opinion is a modern day s25 would be best with lots of space as well.
3 years ago i bought a pair of used contour 3.3 for 1200 euro. They sounded wonderful! Before i was used to listen to music with my Grado PS500 headphones. After getting the contour 3.3 i completely stopped to listen with the PS500. 
Then i sold the contour 3.3 and bought the new contour 60 confident to improve my listening experience. Wrong. My hifi system is turned off since many months and I'm back listening to music through  my Grados. I do not think dynaudio is anymore capable to produce high quality speakers. 
I have my HS pair in a small room, at one end of the long wall.  The left speaker is about 2' from the side wall, the right is basically open by comparison.  I have absorber panels for the early reflections from the left speaker. (Some additional base traps and other absorption/reflection - nothing too much.)  Imaging is fine - speakers disappear and good depth.  Sound extends beyond the speakers.  This is, of course, going to also depend on your upstream components - me, two ss monoblocks, tube hybrid preamp.

I just acquired a preowned PASS INT-25 and am enjoying the Heresy IV’s that were previously  driven by a Luxman SQ-N150.

I know nothing about the Heritage Specials but at7K I’m wondering what other bookshelf speakers in the 5-7 K range might be an option or comparable. Any suggestions? And yes I like the IV’s.Â