Warning: China-Hifi-Audio.com

I just wanted to pass along some concerns with this dealer. 

I ordered a tube amp a couple weeks ago that was shown in stock (actually listed as a discounted customer return). and after 8 days of waiting for a shipping notification I asked about the status and was told it was delayed because the owner had to verify his UPS account. ??? They listed DHL Fedex and UPS as shipping services with 3 - 7 day delivery time for the $595 shipping charge I paid.

Since that response I have asked several times to cancel the order and even thru Paypal communications but am now being ignored. No refund and no shipment. So now it is in Paypal claim and I will be waiting many more days to see a refund.

Very disappointing experience with this dealer.

That is his business model. Sell items he does not even have in stock and then make you wait and ignore emails. Then his buddies have to come on here and do damage control for him.

This is not a rare occurrence. It is how it normally goes. You are the exception if you actually get your item sent promptly.
for Calieng, 
by the way my name is Vittorio Martini Donati from Italy and I am just one of his clients and not one of his  "buddies have to come on here and do damage control for him."
I only volunteered my assistance out of good will as I genuinely like the guy.
As I mentioned before, sometimes he is late replying but has been very reliable over the period one one year, 3 purchases and warranty support and replacement.
OK. Your information is good to have too. Now people considering a purchase have the full picture.

You can buy from him thru Amazon in USA as TubeAmplifierStore and likely much safer and quicker. I would recommend that method instead of buying direct from his website.

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