Half speed masters. Are they worth the extra scratch?

I just purchased a Dire Straits Brothers in Arms half speed master. I'm using a Pioneer PL530 TT. Can this album be played successfully on my TT? I put it on 45 rpm but there is no way to tell if it is spinning at the right speed. The speed control is working but not keeping a steady reading like when I play a normal 33 record. It sounds good but I'm wondering if they should be played on a different table. Also is it worth it to pay extra money for these? I payed 50$ for this album. Thanks for any information.
Thanks oldhvymec. That's the answer I was looking for. Information for the rest of the group.
The first pix I saw of the PL530 only showed 1 line of squares on the platter, so I thought that's how they were made. Subsequent pix show 4 lines of squares. You should be able to get one of them to be stationary at 45 rpm. Look at MC's system, he's probably a 1%er in the audio world. Very good share MC, knowledge is good.
   I can't speak about half speed recordings but I can offer some advice on your TT. I also have a Pioneer PL-530 which I bought new many years ago. Due to the age of these tables it may have been very long, if ever, the speed pots were cleaned or inspected. Whether playing on 33 or 45 speed the movement of the dots from the strobe should remain still while playing a record. The speed may change ever so slightly when the stylus drops on the record surface. A minor adjustment in speed can compensate for that.
   Not saying that the tech that analyzed your table is incompetent but I have address speed fluctuations on this table before. If not needing replacement, the speed pot(s) may just need cleaning. Deoxit will do the job but removal of the bottom is required to do it correctly. Good luck.

Half speed halves the frequency range so it only goes up to 10kHZ rather than 20kHz and it can be cut far more accurately.

Having said that, just play your media at the stated speed and enjoy the improvement.