Unidisk SC vs. VSEI modded Sony for SACD?

Has anyone compared these players? I was considering modding my 9000es (vsei level 5) and keeping the Ikemi for redbook, but now I'm wondering what other options are there that would include selling the Ikemi and 9000es and allocating a $3000-3600 budget for a used SACD/redbook player that does each outstandingly well (IMO would have to be outstanding to better the Ikemi in redbook). Some options I'm looking at, aside from vsei modding the 9000es as described above, are getting a Linn Unidisk SC which I know would beat the stock 9000es in SACD and redbook, but I'm concerned that I would be spending so much for a Linn player whose redbook is just on par with the Ikemi. In that case there would be no point in selling the latter, and simply mod the 9000es. Other options I'm considering are pickin up a used SCD-777es and have that vsei modded (for a total of around $2500-3000 for the level 5 vsei and stock scd-777es). I'm considering the latter option because the SCD-777es transport seems to be (from what I;ve read) a better foundation upon which to build than the 9000es, whose transport is not as solid as that of the Ikemi's.

So there's the modding of a Sony 9000es or 777es, or possibly a one box stock solution such as the Unidisk SC, which brings up the usual questions regarding its SACD and redbook.

I'm mainly interested in the most outstanding SACD, but not unless the redbook is also in the ballpark of the Ikemi. I listen mainly (~75%) to classical and about 25% classic jazz and rock combined.

Any help greatly appreciated.
I am fond of most Linn gear, but I don't think the Unidisk SC is the way you want to go for a couple of reasons. First of all, remember the SC is also a processor/preamp, so a significant amount of the product's cost goes into these functions rather than just CD/SACD playback.

Secondly, the redbook on the SC is actually not as good as the Ikemi (the SC falls somewhere between the Ikemi and the Genki on redbook playback). If you can come up with the coin and find a good deal, a Unidisk 2.1 would be a great option. It is excellent on SACD and it is head and shoulders better on redbook than the Ikemi. I have seen these sell for $4000, but only once (between $4500 and $5000 is the usual price range).

I can't speak to modifying your Sony for SACD. I have never heard any of these modified players first hand. But if you have heard them, or at least have a friend recommending them whose ears you trust, the price does seem comparatively reasonable.
The VSE level 5 mod to my Sony 9000 is outstanding. It leaves little to be desired in a front end. Wonderfully transparent and open, yet absolutely natural and organic.
Thanks for the feedback. I've decided to have the 9000es which I currently own modded to level 5 by VSEI. The deal maker for me was the combination of 30-day money back (except for 2-way shipping) guarantee, and especially the ability of vsei mods to be transferrable to other (certain) Sony SACD/DVD/CD players down the road. Thus if either my modded 9000es breaks (i.e. its disc tray stops opening) or I decided to buy a 777es once I can afford it, the total cost of transferring the level 5 mods from the broken/undesired 9000es to a 777es, SCD-1 or another mechanically sound 9000es will only be $250 plus shipping both ways. If not for both the satisfaction guarantee and inter-unit transferrability of vsei mods, I would be more inclined to avoid the mod route alltogether and save up for a Linn Unidisk 2.1 (at a heft $4500-5000 used) or something less expensive like a used Trivista sacd player, given that the the resale values of big name unmodded cdp's are much better relative to modded sony's.

I have the same dilemma as you have. I currently have the ikemi and am thinking of either buying the 9000es and having it mod or selling the ikemi and buy the an universal player. From my research, I found out that Unidisk SC does not play CD as well as ikemi.

Didn't know that you can transfer VSEI mods to another player. Who did you talk to? Also, what happens to the old mod unit, will it still work or it becomes junk?

I was told by Warren Gregoire, the west coast rep/tech for VSEI who installs the mods, that the mods can easily transfer any one of the 'original six' (VC24 chipset) Sony SACD players, and that he will do the mod transfer for about 200-250 not including shipping. Once the mods are removed from a modded unit, it will sound that same as it did before the mods, since its original analog outputs maintained the original sound output all along while the mods were installed.
For what it's worth, I ended up postponing the modding of my 9000es, being fairly content with the sound of the unmodded unit when it comes to the better classical sacds, and instead purchased a VPI Scoutmaster turntable along with a good phono preamp and great cartridge. If i had any money leftover, I would definitely have rushed to mod the 9000es, but now it will have to wait until the summer.