6000 dollars CD player

 I am planning to buy CD player with out SACD , classical music as main listen ing.  Components are Accuphase C2850. + A47+Harbeth SHL 5 ,40th.  I like reliable, trouble free gear with good CP.
That is my big concern. As much as a CD/SACD player may sound amazing, these things costs thousands. It would be awful after spending all that money if a board or laser failed but parts were discontinued. 
Out of Marantz, Yahama and Denon, who provides spare parts the longest?
I am at a loss here: get an InnuOs Zenith Mk3 for $4000, rip your 200 Cds to the 1MB hard disc and enjoy CD and streaming at superior quality to any CD Player conceivable. And if you feel adventurous get a Qobus subscription costing the equivalent of 1 CD per month and I guarantee you you won‘t buy nor listen to a CD ever again. Buying a Cd player now is the equivalent to investing in 78rpm vinyl.

A 1mb hard drive would hold about 5-10 seconds of a song.  Do you really mean 1 terrabyte?
A number of them are on Qobus, otherwise get a cheap Sony or Marantz used SACD player for the rare occasion.
I did mean a 1TB drive on the InnuOS, apologies