what does it mean if your cassette deck playback and recording sounds warbly?

what does it mean if your cassette deck playback and recording sounds warbly? I just got a brand new Tascam CD-A580, and my recordings and playback sounds shaky or warbly. 
Thanks for being sincere with your response. I was looking at my past posts and saw that I did have a very negative tone.

Right now is no time to get into an argument with someone, especially someone you don't know.

I respect you and your history on this platform.

Again, my apologies.
Inventor of the cassete tape Lou Otten about vinyl.

Ottens, who died on Saturday, had little patience with the renewed popularity of the cassette tape – or even vinyl.

“Nothing can match the sound of the CD,” he had told the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. “It is absolutely noise and rumble-free. That never worked with tape … I have made a lot of record players and I know that the distortion with vinyl is much higher. I think people mainly hear what they want to hear.”
Think he naild it.