Bose 901 series VI & Yamaha A-S2000

I'm a jazz mania who is interested in purchasing new audio system in a couple of months.

Currently, I'm considering Bose 901 (series VI) speakers & Yamaha A-S2000 integrated amp but not sure if the Yamaha amp will be a good match for the Bose speakers.
Also, I heard that Creek 5350SE will be a good one.
Can anyone recommend any good integrated amp (under $2,000) that can match well with the Bose speakers?

Or I would be glad if anyone can recommend good system (amp + speakers) for listening to jazz. My budget is limited to $3,500. Since I use my PC & a DAC (NuForce uDAC-2) to play 24/96 FLAC files, I don't think I need to buy a CD player for now. (I might need to buy a better DAC though.)

Thanks in advance.
Honestly, dump the 901s. I have a pair in the attic (series VI also). I loved them 25+ years ago. But by todays standards, they just do not cut it.

For the money you are talking there are lots of great options. The last system I set up was a Naim NAT i-2 integrated and Totem Staff speakers, which match your price new and you could get them for half that used. That system will kill any Bose 901 systems.

It is time to move forward. There are lots of options of there. If you can, go to a local shop and listen to some $3K speaker and amp options. And, figure that used you can do even better.
Sorry - that is Totem Sttaf. I always mis-type that. Sttaf is just not a natural spelling.
Henryjudy, You will probably have a ton of people telling you Bose are not good and the funny thing is the majority of those people probably never heard Bose speakers let alone assembled a system around them. If you are a music lover go with the 901s, but you will need a big room. You may want to consider Bose 301s if you have an average size room (15'x20'). I think the Yamaha will be a good match with any of the Bose speakers. If you are buying from Crutchfield ask their advice. The 901 is a speaker with practically no box to resonate, the drivers are of the same voice, there is no crossover, comes with an EQ to help tune the system to your room and shares direct/reflecting with high end speakers like MBL, Martin Logan, Magnepan, Quad Electrostatics, Mirage and many others. Or you can get on the merry-go-round and start listening to the equipment instead of enjoying the music.
I sold Bose back in the day and owned a pair of 901s. I would highly recommend you go in another direction. I would agree with Dtc's comments.