If all text or messages that surround the idea of measurements being a ’god’ that all ears must bow down in front of... are all disallowed...
...then...it is likely that the vast majority, possibly 90% or more.. of all contentious and viciously worded posts on a given audio forum will cease and desist. Probably permanently.
As people can hear better than the current crop of measurement methodology can account for.
And there really isn’t anything more to say.
As... anything else, if properly oriented to the post’s meaning...is just a complex long winded data and reference packed unfolding of what the above post means. Pages and pages of text to lay it all out.
If you require all that text and data, then dig it out yourself, it’s all out there. I’m not your professor, or whatever --- I owe you nothing. you owe the rest of us your quiet contemplation as you get up to speed. if you can’t get up to speed, then stay out of the discussion.
if the means and the way of such points in logic in data - are beyond you, then shut your yap and leave the rest of us in peace. find another forum, Mr recent (probably from audioholics) troll.
It is important to understand and tha a functional democracy does not allow for subversive interference to be allowed or take place. Democracy does not mean a mosh pit or free for all. that's the animal pit.
Like the monolithic nature of a cult, or movement, democracy still has to watch for... and cut out, like the cancer it is... any things (participants) that are found to be purposely inserted into the fray, as methods of interference and disruption of the primary idea and act of democratic ideals within the context of what the situation.. or in this case, what the forum stands for and tries to be....